iuliano Coffee School

To write to us click here!

Are you a barista and would like to learn the different methods to prepare coffee? Are you a coffee lover and would like to learn more about infusion, filter and pour over methods?

The appointment to learn about filter coffee is on:
Monday 25th of May 

During the day several brewing techniques will be showed and taught (V60, Chemex, Areopress, French Press). The participants will deepen their knowledge about each method and understand the different grind sizes to prepare the best cup of coffee!

The course is meant for coffee baristas and coffee professionals interested in this world.

Typology: theory and practice

When? Monday 25th of May 2021

Where? At Giuliano Coffee School in via Vittorio Veneto 140, Caluso (TO).

Limited number of places!

For information and application, write to us here!